A Ministry to the Homeless, Helpless and Hurting

Good Samaritan Network, Inc. has a vision to build bridges between people and the Lord. We do this by offering basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing but it goes much deeper. Program participants and guests are offered friendship and opportunities for personal as well as spiritual growth. This is accomplished through various outreach ministries and job- readiness programs.

How We Started

Good Samaritan Network was started in 2009 by Glenn and Beth Burns, who had seen a need to house women and children and began their mission by opening their home to those in need. From there the Good Samaritan Network organization has grown to include 10 homes for men, women & children, the Good Samaritan Super Thrift Store, a Chapel program, a daily Food Pantry, and many other wonderful programs that help the hurting members of this community. By the time the Burns retired in 2022, Good Samaritan Network was serving thousands of individuals a month and continues to thrive, providing a place of rest and acceptance that is bigger than any one couple could have ever hoped for.
To God be the glory.

In these hard times, Good Samaritan Network needs a hand with helping

Marina Brown
Democrat correspondent

You’ve just been told by your employer that he can’t keep you on any longer. Your boyfriend has turned violent, and thrown you out of the house. And what to do about the kids, and child care, and your diabetes, and the unemployment?

Read the full story at Tallahassee.com

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Mission Statement

To Rescue, Redeem, Rebuild, Restore, and Resend the hopeless, homeless, hurting, unused, and underused in the spirit of the good Samaritan as depicted in Luke 10.